Tuesday, November 13, 2012


by Lope Coles Robredillo , SThD
IN THIS HISTORICAL description of the parish of Lalawigan, we shall trace the beginnings of its formation, the history of the parish church, the rectory, and the cemetery, delineate the church lot, catalogue the priests who served in it, and matrix the barrios or barangays it covers.

A. Parish Formation and Development
            Lalawigan as a village was already in existence in the 18th century.  In ancient Samarenyo language, the term “lalawigan” means port or “duruongan.  It is interchangeable with the term “lawigan”.  According to Antonio Sanchez de la Rosa’s Diccionario Bisaya-Español para las Provincias de Samar y Leyte (2nd edition, 1895), both “lalauigan” and “lauigan” mean puerto, fondeadero in Spanish  In Felipe Redondo’s book, Breve Reseña (published 1886), Lalawigan appears as a regular barrio of Borongan, along with Maydolong and Bugas.

           The creation of Lalawigan parish owes to the efforts of Msgr Jose Ma. Ricalde who, while serving as Chancellor of the Diocese, used to say Sunday Mass in the barrio chapel.  As early as 1962, he broached to the people the idea of converting the barrio of Lalawigan and the neighboring ones into a new parish.  On June 29, 1964, the Most Rev Vicente P. Reyes, DD, first Bishop of Borongan, having considered the opinion of Msgr Simeon Desoloc, Msgr Jose Ma Ricalde, Msgr Bernardino Baxal and Msgr Prudencio Figueroa who composed the board of consultors. separated from the jurisdiction of Borongan twelve (12) barrios of Lalawigan, Divinubo, Locsoon, Nabiyawan, and those north of Suribao river, namely, Camada Norte, Suribao, San Gregorio, Banuyo, Hebacong, Benowangan, Baras, and Pinanag-an, together with their sitios, and constituted them into one parish with Lalawigan as the parish seat.   Of these sitios, two are now barrios: Canyupay and Cabalagnan.
           The church of Lalawigan is dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption, whose feast
day falls on August 15.  The barrio was accustomed to celebrate the parish fiesta on the third Saturday of August, until Fr Joberto Picardal, its pastor, decided in 1980 to hold it permanently every August 15.  
            When Fr Nilo Apura administered the parish in 1992, Cabong and Can-abong were ceded by the Bishop to Lalawigan, the former himself being from Bgy. Cabong.  But in 1998, Can-abong and Cabong, with the permission of the pastor, were temporarily entrusted to Fr Roger Calim.  He took charge of these two barangays, while residing at the Bishop’s residence, even though a small rectory was provided for him by the people of Cabong.  But all his records of baptism, marriage and death were kept at the Borongan parish.  In 2005, Fr Lito Amande, Diocesan Economus, began taking charge of both barrios, and, at the request of Fr Anacleto Asebias, parish priest of Borongan, baptismal and other records were submitted to the Lalawigan parish.  In 2006, Cabong and Can-abong came under the care of Fr Inocentes Abuda, Jr, who replaced Fr Amande as Economus.  At present (2008), the parish of Lalawigan covers 12 barrios, together with their sitios.
B. Parish Priests and Administrators
           The succession of pastors and parish administrators since its founding is as follows:
Msgr Jose Ma Ricalde Ong
Fr Eustaquio Rosaldo
Fr Conrado Balagapo
Fr Nilo Apura (adm)
Fr Victorio Balagapo
Msgr Conrado Balagapo
Fr Mario Operario (adm)
Msgr Crescente Japzon
Fr Emilio Bernardo
Fr Nilo Apura
Fr Montecarlo Viloria (adm)
Fr Fitzgerald Azul
Fr Exequiel Singzon (adm)
Fr Erich Brandes
Fr Lesme Afable
Fr Roderick Rodeles
Fr Joberto Picardal
Msgr Lope C Robredillo
C. Parish Lot in the Parish Seat
           Through the efforts of the Rev Msgr Francisco Palomeras, parish priest of Borongan, the parish church now stands in a lot donated to the Diocese largely by the family of Paulino and Cirila Obina.  The lot where the sanctuary and the rectory are located was, on the other hand, donated by Fernanda Jamer Catudio and Paulina Jamer Ronda who swapped their lot in Canbanjao, along the highway, just across where Sea Breeze Garden now stands, with this portion of land.   According to current records, the church lot is located along San Roque St., bounded on the east by the property of Ruperto Obina, on the south by that of Tomas Dala, and on the west by those of Romulo Sabate and Gregorio Catudio. 
           In 1982, a lot east of the church was sold to the parish through Msgr Conrado Balagapo by the family of Ruperto Obina for P500.  As of 1983, the total church lot was 1,324.10 sq. meters, with an assessed value of P5,250.  With the help of the CWL, Fr Nilo Apura raised the eastern concrete wall, that Msgr Crescente Japzon continued.  In 1984, the parish acquired another lot because Andrea Catudio, wife of Gregorio, and children, sold to the parish through Msgr Conrado Balagapo the lot across the street (in Hollywood ) and in front of the residence of Romulo Sabate.   Under Msgr Lope Robredillo, the front concrete fence with iron grills on the upper level was finished in 2004.
           In 2004, with the help of Magdalena Esperancilla, Msgr Lope Robredillo and Romulo Sabate exchanged the portion of land fronting the latter’s residence with the lot adjoining the rectory, which belonged to Mr Sabate.  The new boundaries having been established, the construction of a concrete wall was shortly embarked on under Msgr Robredillo on the western side of the church lot.  At present, the whole church lot, where the rectory and church stand, is defined by concrete and concrete-cum-grilled fences.  On the western half of this lot is the parish park planted to bermuda, four Indian trees standing parallel to the western fence, with three lamp posts in between, accented by grottoes (see below) at the corner of the front and western concrete fences.    The concrete walls enclosing the church lot, together with the balustrade, were repainted before Msgr Robredillo left for his next assignment in May, 2009.
D. Parish Church and Grottoes
            The Parish Church .  The original barrio chapel of Lalawigan stood on Asuncion St. , corner National Road , on a lot where the new elementary school building is currently located.   But through the efforts of Msgr Francisco Palomeras, parish priest of Borongan, a new lot on what is now San Roque Street was acquired, and the barrio folks built a wooden chapel where first Pontifical Mass in Lalawigan, presided over by the Rt. Rev. Simeon Desoloc, Vicar General of the Diocese of Borongan, was celebrated on August 15, 1964.   Having been through with the two-storey rectory through pintakasi, Msgr Jose Ma Ricalde gave priority to construction of a concrete, big church to replace this chapel.   Under his leadership, the people of Lalawigan were able to raise the present concrete church, which is 28 m. long, 10 m. wide, and 8.5 high. 
           The beginnings of its construction may be traced back as early as 1962, when Msgr Ricalde began the fund drive for the church building.  Money sprang from various sources.  Much came from the weekly contributions of each family in the amount of P20.00 and from proceeds from the sale of copra, to produce which each house threw in coconuts.  Others came from rice campaign in Dolores, from beauty contests and other fund raising activities, like testimonial banquet, let alone donations, while labor was at the start offered free by the residents through pintakasi.  
           When Msgr Ricalde left the parish in 1967 to assume the office of pastor of Borongan, the general structure of the church was already done: the roof, the walls, floor and the sanctuary were well in place.  On top of the tabernacle on the altar that was attached to the rear wall was mounted the image of the patroness, the Lady of the Assumption, which was acquired in 1915 from Leo Cardona in exchange of first class hardwood.  The altar was flanked by two doors, the left leading to what eventually would become the sacristy after Fr Conrado Balagapo was designated parish priest.   
             It was left to the incumbency of Fr C. Balagapo to put up the ceiling, the sliding door in front and the eight side wooden doors, the glass windows and the floor tiles (locally made), and to paint the interior and the façade.  Further, he enshrined the patroness in a round niche at the center of the wall behind the altar.   Since in 1964 the priest began to celebrate Mass facing the people, a wooden free-standing altar was assembled in 1969, courtesy of Jose Dala.  Two ambos, made of narra, also donated by Jose Dala in 1969, stood at the gospel side and epistle side.   In 1970, the church acquired 32 pews, made of banuyo, worth P4,500, and the confessional.  Two more pews were added by Purok 6.  In 1989, it was estimated that the cost of the church construction ran to about P1,700,000.  Through the initiative of Fr C. Balagapo, added was the belfry in 1969, which valued at P150,000, and which has two bells: the first one, smaller, was acquired by the barrio people in 1930, and the bigger one was donated in 1970 by Juana A. Vda de Poggi. 
             During the tenure of Fr Joberto Picardal, the wooden tabernacle that was made in 1965 was replaced with a silver-plated one that was donated by Pablo & Nellie Añosa in 1979.  Through the generosity of Purok 2, Fr Picardal blessed a new concrete altar in the same year.  With the help of the Lalawigan Circle , 6 chandeliers were hung in 1983.  By 1984, Lalawigan was probably the only parish in the Diocese at that time that had a modern Yamaha electone organ (model A-505), worth P20,000, courtesy of the Lalawignons in the U.S.  In 2005, through the donation of Canuto Bacal, Msgr Robredillo mounted a new tabernacle made of brass worth P90.000, and had it flanked by two more than life-size wooden images of the Resurrected Lord and the Dolorosa that were donated by Maria Tabo.
           Msgr. Crescente Japzon set a P4,500 grating steel door at the main entrance, courtesy of Gil and Adela Sucayan, which replaced the sliding door that made of hardwood. He also started replacing the wooden stairs leading to the belfry with concrete ones, and a number of GI sheets blown off by typhoon Yoning in 1989.  Fr Fitzgerald Azul completed the concreting of the staircase of the belfry, and with the help of the CWL, installed rectangular windows at the choir loft and the ceiling, and painted the loft, so it could also serve as a meeting hall.  In 2000 when Fr Roderick Rodeles was parish priest, with the assistance and supervision of Lalawignons in the U.S., concrete grey columns were erected, the walls of the sanctuary were covered with marbles, the image of the patroness was transferred to the western portion from the middle part, and the altar was likewise covered with marble.  A 6-foot crucifix worth P4,000, donated by Maria Tabo in 1984, was placed at the center just above the tabernacle.  In 2001, Msgr Lope Robredillo requested the Bacal family to donate 7 long candleholders made of narra to flank the altar on both sides.
           In June thru Sept 2002, under Msgr Robredillo the old tiles of the sanctuary were removed and new glazed 16x16 tiles were installed for 52T+.  In the same year, from Sept to Oct, the electrical wires were inlaid in the church, 14 florescent lamps were affixed to the side walls, and 4 electric fans were hung.  Six new chandeliers that he solicited from the Lalawigan Circle were suspended.  In 2003, a new sound system operated, and was improved with the donation of 2 more large sound boxes from the Lalawigan Circle , in addition to the first 2 ones that were given in 2001.  From Nov 2004 to Nov 2005, almost half of the roofing was replaced with new GI sheets, because the roof was leaking when it rained, the fascia board was attached, and the entire roof, the interior and exterior of the entire church were painted.  Major donors (P10T) were Rafael Devora, Nicolas Loste, Dalmacio Altar and the Lalawigan Circle .  From April to June 2005, the parish priest converted the room on the right side of the main door into a room for images of saints, providing wooden pedestals to the images and had the floor tiled.   From April 9 to 25, the concrete and steel fence on the left side of the church façade was raised, funded from the more than P20T donation of Canuto Bacal.
            From June 28 to Aug 25, 2004, 8 side steel-grilled doors replaced the time-beaten wooden ones.  Donations (at P6.5T per donor) for these came from Nicolas Loste, Valentin Bacal, Lamb of God Community, Percival Jamer, Estela Tan, Holy Shroud Confraternity, Rustom Aspacio, Cosme Tiusonco, Pablo Anosa and Karen Ang.  The front steel door was repaired, and the grilled door to the room for holy images was fitted.  The traditional stations of the cross, which were hung in 1979, gave way to a new set that was given by Remegia Sabate in March 2004.  Also done in the same year were the repair and painting of the sacristy, the making of a cabinet for vestments, and the construction of 3 concrete panels on the northern side of the church lot.  From July 15 to Nov 19, the center aisle was given a new look with the installation of 16x16 glazed tiles courtesy of Obdulia Tabo-Luke.  These projects, initiated on Nov 2003 and finished on Nov 2004, cost P249,518.

            On July 13, 2006 through Jan 20, 2007, the following were accomplished to the tune
of P212,524.10—installation of (16x16) glazed tiles on the entire church main floor, ceiling of the overhang on both sides of the church, concreting of the walkway to the raised structure for offering lighted candles east of the church, construction of the raised structure itself, finishing touches to the eastern and western concrete fences, repair of the concrete side doorsteps and flowerpots, washing out of the pavement to the church main door, placing of the balustrade fence of church park, installation of the grated steel door to the bell tower and the round concrete bases for trees on the park.  Many parishioners gave from P300 to 500, but the major donors were Percival Jamer (31T+), Lina Voces Chan (20T), Purok 3 (15T+), Dalmacio Altar (10T), Beverly Abrao (10T), and Teodoro Palisoc (10T). 
           From Jan to April 2007, more improvements were made, largely thanks to the generosity of donors like Nila Hourton of New York (27T+), Ruperto and Milagros Dala (14T+), and to the solicitations by Grace Campomanes-Baquilod (20T+), and by Sr. Angeles Anacio, SSV, in Italy (35T+).  Accomplished were the putting of the ceiling of the overhang on both sides of the church, repair of the roof of the choir loft, general repair of church walls, ceiling and other parts, painting of the concrete fences, the parish church (the first time in history that this church was entirely painted) and the façade of the rectory, and improvement and completion of the concrete fence of the south-eastern and southern portion of the church lot. 
           From Nov to Dec 2007, the belfry was given a facelift, what with the replacement of the decorative blocks with glass blocks, and other repairs including its concrete roofing, through the generosity of the 2007 hermano mayor, Pablo and Nellie Añosa and Cosme-Brenda Tiusonco at the cost of P120,000.   Financed by the donation of Purok 4 (P13T), the proceeds of the caroling by the CWL, and from other donors, the pathway from the gate to the rectory was concreted, the lamp cases on the northern fence were replaced, a sound system for the daily (except Sunday) recitation of the rosary was purchased, and four new windows on the façade of the church were redesigned, installed with glasses from Dec 2007 to Feb 2008. 
           The last major endeavor of Msgr Robredillo was the renovation of the sanctuary  of the parish church that began on July 2008 to the tune of almost half a million pesos.   In this project which Msgr Lope himself designed, he closed the door on the left side of the wall behind the altar, and opened two new doors on the southern and northern walls, where formerly closed windows could be found.  In order to match the existing niche of the patroness on the right side of the western wall, he created a niche for Our Lady of Guadalupe on the left side.  But the major alteration done on the sanctuary was the construction of a recessed arch at the middle, which entailed removal of the central section of the western wall, and the setting up of a concrete wall.  This latter stands about two feet from the western wall, the space in between being spanned by iron grills. This wall, to which is affixed the big wooden crucifix that was donated by Maria Tabo, also serves as background to the new free-standing concrete cum-granite pedestal on which the new tabernacle, courtesy of Canuto Bacal, was mounted.  These alterations were first seen by the people on December 16, 2008.  The arches of the two niches, as well as the recessed arch at the center, are gold finished.
            In January 2009, Msgr Robredillo continued the renovation with the replacement of
the 5-year old tiles with 24x24 granite tiles to cover the entire sanctuary.  Except for the central part, which is salt and pepper grey, the granite floor is white.  By the end of January, the new ambo, which is permanent, concrete and with granite, and the lectern for the commentator, both of which were designed by Msgr Robredillo, were already being used in liturgy.  (Incidentally, the ambo is the first in the Diocese of Borongan that conforms to liturgical law.)  These replaced the ones that Jose Dala donated, although the latter are still used for lectures, conferences and retreats.  Msgr Robredillo also bought two big chandeliers, each costing P13,000, and hang them at the sanctuary.  On March 12, 2009, he placed the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, made of wood, worth P31,200, through the generosity of Capt Henry and Naida Cepeda, the hermano mayor of Christmas 2008.   An electric sanctuary lamp, first lighted on Feb 7, 2009, hangs at the recessed arch.  Concrete cum granite pedestal were made for the images of the Resurrected Lord and the Virgin of Sorrows, standing beneath the niches for the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Virgin of the Assumption respectively.
           The renovation started with the initial donation of Maribel Shirlane Loste (P24T), Sarah Edres and Lesma Batula (22+T), Beverly Ivy Abrao (20T), Maureen Catudio (15T), Purok 5 (15T), Analina Bagas (13+T), Maricris Catudio (10T), Fr Rolly Tabo (10T), Liza Devora (10T), Amalia Bagas Henn and Rosa Bagas Haas (10T) and many others, although the biggest benefactor was the Manila Economic and Cultural Center, which gave about P200T worth of construction materials (no cash!).  Marilu Azul-Alido was a big help in the solicitation of funds.   By March 31, 2009, the renovation of the sanctuary was largely finished. On April 3, with the donation from Cheerful Giver (12T), Rowena Capones (10T) and Cynthia Lares (10T), the two rectangular windows on both sides of the church were replaced at the cost of P24,000 on April 3-8, 2009 with semicircular ones permanently open, made of steel and glass to match with the other windows.  The renovated sanctuary was blessed by Most Rev Crispin Varquez, DD, Bishop of Borongan, on the occasion of the birthday of Msgr Lope Robredillo, on April 21, 2009.  For this event, he had the church painted, starting with the façade, and later the rest of the building.
           Grottoes.  The grottoes stand at the corner of the western and northern concrete fences.  On the upper grotto is reposed the image of Our Lady of Lourdes, which can reached
by a concrete curved staircase, while inside the ground cave is the permanent altar with a glazed top.  These were designed by Msgr Lope Robredillo and constructed from Sept to Nov 2004 under his direction, with the help of the Confradia of the Children of Mary, with Donatila Dolot as president, and with the financial backing largely of Lalawignons in the United States , who donated more than P73T.  (It may be recalled that a simplier grotto stood half-way between the gate and the rectory, but this was demolished since, with the acquisition of the piece of land from Romulo Sabate, it became an obstruction to the landscaping of the church grounds.)   The construction of the grottoes, together with the leveling off of the ground, the setting up of the lighting system, water system, concrete and steel fence along San Roque Street , and the 1st span of the east wall was worth P102,404.70.  The front steel gate to the convento was a donation from Marissa Capada.  As already noted, a balustrade along the pathway from the gate to the rectory was raised from Oct to Dec 2006 to completely enclose the park.
E. Parish Rectory
            After the parish was created in 1964, Msgr Jose Ma Ricaldo temporarily resided in the house of Jacinta Sabate, after briefly staying at the house of Lilian Ecao, just a stone’s throw from the church.  However, through the help and pintakasi of the people, he was able to build a semi-concrete, two storey rectory.   This was his first infrastructural project.   Since the rectory had no place for meetings of cofradias and other parish organizations, Fr Joberto Picardal extended the ground floor eastward to give room for conferences.  The walls were concrete, and jalousies were installed on the windows.  He concreted half of the ground floor.  In 1983, Msgr Balagapo placed a book shelf which he filled up with donated books in the hope of making a parish library.
         Meanwhile, home furnishings were eventually added: the Sacmar family gave a long conference table in 1979, Nicasio Loste donated a green corner seat in 1987, Purok 3 also gave a china cabinet made of narra in the same year.  But the main problem with this wooden two-storey rectory was that it was being eaten up by anay.   Which was why, when Fr Nilo Apura came, he built a new priest’s room on the ground floor, furnished with a comfort room, because the first floor was practically inhabitable.  Msgr Crescente Japzon added improvements on the building. 
          Since this could no longer be salvaged, Fr Fitzgerald Azul started the construction of a two-storey concrete building, largely funded by Missio, a foreign funding agency.  While the ground floor was being done, he temporarily slept and held office at the choir loft, but when the basic structure of the ground floor was over, he immediately transferred to unfinished first floor.  No sooner was the upper floor was started than Fr Azul was transferred to Sulat, and it was Fr Erich Brandes who continued the project.  Fr Brandes started the second floor.  Upon the untimely death of Fr Brandes, Fr Roderick Rodeles took over the project, largely with help coming from a US funding agency, and when he left the parish in 2001, the rectory was as good as finished, with tiles installed in the second floor.  It measures 13.5 m. long, 13 m. wide, and 6 m. high.  The interior of both floors was painted, and a water system was installed. 
           In 2001, under Msgr Robredillo, the staircase to the second floor was tiled, and the balcony was added, with tiled floor, out of the proceeds of the novenario in honor of the Holy Rosary (P7T+) and donation from Amelita Ty, and with the help of Marilou Alido.   He also purchased electric water pump, out of the love offerings of Eugenia Tabo, since the old one was removed.  In the same year, he bought an engine and a generator (P42,505) in Tacloban, from the funds contributed to by the parishioners.  In 2002, he purchased a second engine in Manila , a China-made Yanmar (P23,250), because the first one broke down.  (The latter was repaired, but never used again; it is stored on the ground floor).  From Jan 3-7, 2006, a temporary garage was built, as well as a provisional roof behind the church set up for P9,777. 
          From Jan 9 to 17, 2006, a powerhouse cum “dirty” kitchen was constructed behind the rectory at the cost of P5,153, replacing the old one of light materials that could no longer be rehabilitated.  On Dec 16, 2008, the two chandeliers at the sanctuary of the parish church were transferred to the rectory, one was placed at the sala, the other over the staircase. From Feb 5 to 14, Feb 2009, Msgr Robredillo had 16.5x16.5 white granite tiles installed on the ground floor.  More than half of them were donated, the rest coming from the extra fund in the renovation of the sanctuary.  In April, he had the parish rectory, beginning with the interior.
F. Parish Cemetery
            Until 1988, Lalawigan parish never had a cemetery all its own.  Dead parishioners were interred at the Catholic cemetery in Balud, or in the civil cemetery in Campisao, Borongan.  But in 1985, Msgr Conrado Balagapo and the Knights of Columbus, aware that these cemeteries were overcrowded and not financially accessible to most of the parishioners who were poor, apart from being distant from the parish, were able to convince some Lalawignons to donate some portions of the land in Sitio Anahao, Bgy Locsoon.  The donors were: Mrs Felisa J. vda de Devora, Mrs Victoria Caranzo Azul, Mr & Mrs Felipa Dala, Mrs Josefa Catudio Bacal, the heirs of the late Simon Batula, Mrs & Mrs Socorro Busa, and Mr Maurilio Azul.  The whole area covers 3,763 sq. m.  During Fr Balagapo’s term, a concrete entrance was erected. 
          With the help of the Knights of Columbus of Lalawigan under GK Ricardo Caspe, the clearing of the cemetery grounds was started, and in 1988, when Msgr Crescente Japzon was parish priest, it began to operate.  It was named the Most Holy Rosary Memorial Park .  (With this, Lalawigan was able to meet all the requirements that are normally needed for the creation of a parish.)  The first to be buried, upon his own request, was 45-yr old Jovencio Bacal on Sept. 14; son of Prudencio and Angeles Arma, he died a day before of heart disease.  During the tenure of Fr Fitzgerald Azul, hallow blocks and concrete walled the front, the northern and the southern limits of the cemetery, thanks to the work of the KC.
           In 2002, under GK Cesar Dala, the cemetery acquired a new concrete chapel, which is 4.25 m long, 3.75 m wide, and 4.3 m high, the previous one of nipa and light materials that was constructed under Rev Nilo Apura having suffered from the elements and been blown down.  This concrete chapel was blessed by Msgr Robredillo on Nov. 2, 2002 in the presence of the KC officers.  In June 2004, financed out of the cemetery funds, Msgr Robredillo caused the construction of a 7-foot wide pathway from the gate to the chapel, as well as a 4-foot pathway that crosses from north to south of the cemetery; on October 26, a steel gate was placed at the entrance.   In Oct 2006, he likewise saw the setting up of a concrete, tiled altar for P5,719, taken from the cemetery funds.  In 2007, the KC of Lalawigan engaged in the making of a parking pavement between the cemetery front fence and the asphalt road so devotees can safely leave their vehicles, but this remains unfinished.  In 2002, out of the cemetery funds, Msgr Robredillo put up a comfort room and a vault that serves as ossuary.  With the purchase of a mechanized cutter, the grass is trimmed once every two months.   
            On Nov 30, 2009, after having consulted the members of the parish pastoral council, and with the consent of Bp Crispin Varquez, Msgr Robredillo purchased a 2.087.13 sq m lot adjacent to the present cemetery and owned by Alicia Barcelon, Rosita Arma and Juana Alegre in the amount of P417,426.  The money used to buy the lot came from the cemetery funds, and from Judge Enrique Dala, who donated P20,000 as his personal contribution to the purchase.   The geographical limits of this purchased lot are marked with wooden posts and barbed wire.  As his last act as parish priest to improve the cemetery, Msgr Robredillo had the entire floor of the cemetery chapel covered with 16x16 glazed tiles from February 16 to 18, 2009.
           These improvements, not to mention the maintenance of order, were under the management of the Ministry for Cemetery (2002), formerly through Conrado Dolot, now through Magdalena Esperancilla, who serves the ministry as chair to date.  It is actually this Ministry that oversees and manages this parish plant, after the KC turned it over to the Parish Pastoral Council.  The most distinctive feature of this cemetery is that no one is allowed to build a structure above the ground which is planted to either carabao grass or bermuda.
G. Barrios and their Sitios, Distance/Access and Patronal Feasts
Month & Day
May 15
1 hr walk from Camada
St Isidore the Farmer
May 27
3 hrs & 35 min. by motorized banca from Camada
Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage
May 29
Bagong Barrio
4 hrs & 35 min. by m.b. from Camada
St Isidore the Farmer
June 10
15 min. by car or motorcycle from Lalawigan
St Anthony of Padua
June 13
30 min. by m.b. from Lalawigan
St Anthony of Padua
June 3rd  Sat
5 min. by car or motorcycle
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 3rd wk
50 min. by m.b. & 1 hr walk from Camada
St Anthony of Padua
July 3rd Sat
3 hrs & 15 min. by m.b. from Camada
Our Lady of Mt Carmel
July 4th Sat
1 ½ hrs by m.b. from Camada
Our Lady of Salvation
Aug 1st Sat
San Gregorio
15 min. by m.b. from Camada
Mother of Perpetual Help
Aug 2nd Sat
25 min. by m.b. from Camada
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Aug 22
5 min. by car or motorcycle from Lalawigan
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Aug 22
8 min. by car or motorcycle
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Aug 24
10 min. by car or motorcycle
St Roch
Aug 3rd Sat
2 hrs by m.b. from Camada
St Roch
Oct 1st Sat
Camada (North)
15 min. by car or motorcycle from Lalawigan
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
          [Though the foregoing account is by and large historical in intent, I would like to add a note of thanks to the following from among many that I cannot mention by name to express my gratitude: (1) Miss Noelle Teotico, together with her mother, Linda Teotico, who since the death of Ms Rafael Catudio, takes care of the linens used in the sanctuary; (2) Ms Magdalena Espe-rancilla, who daily sees to it that the parochial church and its surroundings are clean; (3) Mrs Fe Bacal who, out of her own personal money, always provides the candles used in the daily and Sunday liturgy, as well as the fuel for the sanctuary lamp; (4) Ms Marilu Alido and Ms Wilma Dala, for handling the cemetery fund with care and devotion; and (5) Mr Nicasio Caspe, Jr for his helping hand especially in various repair jobs, mechanical, electrical, and many others; (6) Ms Lilian Obina and Ms Nilda Corado who take charge of the liturgy assignments; (7) Mr Antonio Ranit, who, through his talent in music, never failed to provide service to the liturgical celebrations; (8) Mrs Adela Sucayan, who provided flowers for the altar and tabernacle; and (9) Mr Conrado Dolot, who voluntarily looked after the cleanliness and order at the parish cemetery.] 

APRIL 21, 2009

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